February 14, 2015

8 months


 Sleep: sleeps pretty good. On good days I can get Miles and Mason down together. Mason usually doesnt sleep to long for me because he can here Miles jumping in his bed!

Best Moments: Watching Masons personally start to really show.  Watching Mason watch Miles and the boys playing together.
Mason crawling to me. His smiling face!

Worst Moments: Mason does not like to go into the walker or not be in the same room with you. 
Mason wants whatever Miles is playing with (usually a puzzle) and Mason does not take no for an answer and tries his hardest to do whatever he can to get those pieces.

Eating: Mason is getting better at eating his solids. He will gobble down his food if he likes it (sweet peas or any fruit) Will shake head if he doesnt like it or if he doesnt want anymore food.
Has tried: cauliflower, pumpkin, blueberries, cherries, green beans, and peaches.
Mason has also tried puffs which he likes very much. He has also figured out how to put pick them up and put them in his moth for the most part.

Health: he has had a cold on a off lately. mostly running nose and little cold earlier.

Teeth: Both bottom teeth are in and I can see that his two upper teeth are swollen under the gums.

First bubble bath

Likes blankets thrown over his face

Things about Mason:

Mason has mastered the crawling and now pulls himself up, so he is pretty much a climbing monster. Can go from belly to sitting up all by himself. He will also try and go from one thing to another while standing. Tries climbing the stairs. Standing is the greatest thing ever!

Likes the push toys that help he walk.

likes crawling after Miles and daddy. Miles it is great when Mason crawls after him.

likes to bug his brother!

loves splashing in the tub

mason likes to hit everything


Miles and Mason:

mason is the typical little brother getting into and wanting to do everything his big brother does.

the boys are starting to play. miles like when mason crawls on him.

miles likes when mason crawls after him

mason tries to eat miles puzzles.
Morning talk

Mason getting Miles puzzles