April 17, 2013

4 months!!

Miles showing everyone how old he is.

Weight: 12.2 lbs


Sleep: Well Miles WAS sleeping about 8-10 hours straight but the last week and a half he decided he did not want to sleep that long for me anymore. Most nights he only gets up once or twice and usually goes right back to sleep for me.

Best Moments: As much as I am not a morning person, the mornings are the best because I love our snuggle time watching GMA and he is usually the happiest then too. However, nothing beats the day Brad made Miles giggle for the first time (made my heart melt) also watching him roll over for the first time today was pretty awesome too.

Worst Moments: When Miles is being a poopy pants, which is usually around 5-7pm (poor Brad has to come home to that) 

Eating: I feel like he is hungry all the time ha ha 

Health: He's one healthy lil man. Doctor gave him an A+ today 

Teeth: none but drools like crazy

       Things about Miles:

His hands are still his favorite thing to eat and likes his pacifier the most when he is tired.

Grabs and holds on to things like toys, our fingers, my hair, and he will hold his pacifier in his mouth most of the time.

Likes watching TV  (I blame Brad for this one)

Likes going for rides in the car.

Recognizes mom and dads voices.

Bath time is fun until he has to get out.

Likes to eat his toys. Drools a lot.
In 3 month clothes now. Socks never stay on his feet!!

first laugh for daddy

first long car ride 

Miles eating his toys

Being silly

Miles Break Dancing