May 17, 2013

5 months!

Mommy's big boy!!


Sleep: Gosh this kid sleeps so well at night...even putting him down for bed is great! He usually goes right to sleep when I put him down and sleeps pretty much the whole night!
Best Moments: My daily smiles...I just love them!! Watching Miles grow and learn new things everyday is the best! 
My first Mother's Day...even though he was a big cranky butt I enjoyed spending the day with my boys...couldn't ask for anything better.
Worst Moments: Right now teething is the worst thing ever! Miles is Cranky. 
Eating: Still a great eater. We started introducing him to cereal. The first time was not great at all..he wanted nothing to do with it. Second time he did a little better but after awhile he wanted to real thing and didn't want it on a spoon anymore. Third time was a charm...he ate it all and I think most of it made to his stomach. 
Health: one healthy lil man and I am so thankful too 
Teeth: No teeth and I don't feel any either but they sure are bothering him lately.  
 Things about Miles:
Puts everything in his mouth now 
Rolled over a couple of time but nothing continual...loves to stand and is pretty good and keeping balanced.
Likes to people them the "mean look"
Likes to watch dad...especially when he is cooking (maybe he will cook for me too)
farts smell horrible
Still in 3 month clothes
Likes taking naps with mommy
Like to be held and doesn't like it if he can't see mom. I have to put the pack and play in the kitchen so I can make dinner and he can see me.
Sits in his big boy highchair
Not a big fan of being on his tummy still
Likes playing with his feet
picture taking is getting harder now that he likes to put everything in his mouth

Give me the camera mom

Smell my feet


If looks could kill

My first Mother's Day with my boy

I just love him SO SO much

mommys lil cutie pie

you are feeding me what? lol

what the heck are you feeding me lady

I'd rather eat my bib

checking things out