January 21, 2013

1 Month

Age: 1 month



Sleep: For the first 2 weeks he slept great. Needed to wake him up to eat at times. Now he is up every 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours at night.
Best Moments: bringing Miles home for the first time. Miles sleeping in my arms. Watching Brad with Miles. 
Worst Moments: No sleep at night. Miles crying and we are not able to comfort him (possibly colic or gas issues).
Eating: breastfeeding going well
Health: Miles is growing great, preemie clothes are becoming to small.
Teeth: none right now

Things About Miles:
peed and pooped on both mom and dad

likes to poop AFTER we put a clean diaper on

likes walking in circles

like to be swaddled

First Cowboys game with dad.

first family Christmas. Miles is 8 days old

First bath