August 18, 2013

my baby is now 8 months

8 months

Sleep: Praise the lord my child still is sleeping through the night!! (and i am so very thankful for this too because mama loves her sleep). We are doing good with a napping schedule too. Miles struggles with the last late afternoon one but i know he is tired. I don't think he is ready to loss that one either.

Best Moments: Watching my baby crawl for the first time!! yeah yeah i know now he can get into everything (and he does) but it is a pretty awesome thing watching him learn how to figure things out!  

He is always putting a smile on our faces, the boy is so silly.

I also love love watching Miles and Brad together. Miles just loves his daddy (pretty sure his first word are going to be dada). Its so cute the way Miles just lights up when Brad comes home from work. Miles eyes get big when the garage door opens, makes my heart melt.

Worst Moments: I would say it was a worst moment but some days, well they just feel like they are never going to end and 5:30pm can not come any sooner.

Eating: Miles is eating 3 solid food meal a day (hes an eating machine) and so far not picky at all.
This month we have tried: applesauce, spinach, cantaloupe, cauliflower, mashed potatoes, apricots, pears, beets, and honeydew

Health: he is one chunky lil boy and so grateful for his good health

Teeth: we have TWO bottom teeth in now

Things about Miles.

he is a crawling machine!! (first week of Aug)

loves to stand.

does well with strangers most of the time (usually makes sure he can see me and then 
stares down the person)

still love to hits things (maybe he will be a drummer) ha

now that he has found his voice, he likes to yell (dad calls him the Hulk)

he like his jumpy thing (if you jump with him 
he thinks thats just the greatest)

he does better playing by himself (bonus for me when trying to get dinner done)

** he makes the funniest faces **